36 days of type

It is a personal project that went global after Nina Sans and Rafa Goicoechea both graphic designers based in Barcelona, Spain started 5 years ago  which consists on invite designers, illustrators and graphic artists to express their particular view on letter and numbers of our alphabet for 36 consecutive days.

36 days of restless creativity, where participants are challenged to design a letter or number each day, resulting an outcome of the ability to represent the same symbol from many different perspectives. A project that aims to be a space for creation around typography and its endless graphic possibilities.

On the 5th edition I participated combining my skills as a Graphic designer, 3D and Digital Artist, where I challenged myself to use and to improve my software skills as the project mentioned my creativity everyday, creating conceptual letters using as a tool to develop these ideas with the 3D software, Cinema 4D, using as a my Render Engine Arnold. The Adobe Suite CC also took place in my project, using Photoshop and After Effects along with the tools that these software provide.

I very rarely start shading a piece until I'm almost done with it compositionally. I prefer it when I see a piece and can immediately identify the points where the key color should go, objects that can act as accents, and other textures I could implement.

Dreams arousing from an undiscovered path importance

[EN] This project is a reprensentation of the obstacles that I’ve been going through for the past months, the mountains represent the miles I’ve had to travel to get where I am right now, mental obstacles and physical as well, the yellow color stands for the dreams and the will that made me who I am right now, coming from the distance and almost hugging every mountain means that these dreams are still arounsing.

The idea of the mountains as multiple little sticks is given as a meaning of all the people that I’ve met and had supported

me among this process and journey, being some more higher than others by hierarchy of meaning.


[ES] Este proyecto es una representación de los obstáculos que he pasado por los últimos meses, estas montañas representan las millas que he tenido que viajar para llegar a donde estoy ahora, obstáculos mentales y físicos también, el color amarillo es debido a los sueños y la voluntad que me han hecho lo que soy ahora, viniendo desde la distancia y casi abrazando cada montaña significa que estos sueños siguen despertando.

La idea de las montañas como muchos palitos es dada como el significado de todas las personas que he conocido y me han apoyando durante este proceso y travesía, siendo así unas más altas que otras por su herarquía de significado.

Dreams arousing from undiscovered paths 1.2.jpg